Who are you? We are a bike shop and cafe combo with a goal of promoting a healthy lifestyle through being active and a plant based diet. We offer a variety of products, services, eats, and drinks and prioritize your experience.
What do you do? We sell and fix bikes and bike parts, we run a small cafe and bar, and we host weekly events and rides for our community.
What is your Vision? To provide our customers with the best products so they can have the best experience possible, while using their support to grow and serve the skate community in our city.
What wave are you riding? The outdoorsy healthy wave.
Who shares the Brandscape? Other bike shops, outdoor/sporting goods stores, and small cafes.
What makes you the only? We are the only bike shop that offers products, services, and plant based meals and drinks.
What should you add or subtract?  Better advertisements of community events, and development of cafe.
Who loves you? Anybody in Seattle who has a bike and likes to eat healthy foods.
Who’s the enemy? Sporting goods stores and other local bike shops.
What do they call you? The place to go for good bikes and bites.
How do you explain yourself? We are a bike shop that focuses on keeping our community active and healthy.
How do you spread the word? Through our weekly events and rides.
How do people engage with you? By joining us on rides, buying parts from us, getting their bikes fixed by us, or by stopping in for food.
What do they experience? They experience a knowledgable team with their best interest in mind.
How do you earn their loyalty? By continuing to host events and community rides, by always providing good service, and by making good food.
How do you extend your success? By making sure we never cut corners, whether it is food, services, or sales, we will always give the customer what they deserve.
How do you protect your portfolio? By making sure that we are giving equal attention to all of our aspects and never letting one fall short.
STRENGTHS: Outdoors gear shopping center, many products available besides bikes making shopping more convenient.
WEAKNESSES: Not as personal or knowledgable of an experience, as it is not a shop dedicated to cycling. Not as many parts are offered as traditional bike shops.
OPPORTUNITIES:  Capitalize on the opportunity to get more shopping done, less of a pain to shop for bike parts if you are also shopping for other things anyways.
THREATS:  Lack of products and not as much space/resources for proper servicing.
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