OBJECTIVE: To create a newsprint publication that embodies and discusses D.I.Y. culture through the lens of skateboarding, with a focus on Texas Skateboarding.
APPROACH: Through research and insight into archives of skateboard and punk rock zines from the 1980s, I was able to establish an understanding of layout and interaction of imagery and text. In many cases they are coexistent, serving and complimenting each other equally, which I accomplished through my use of the grid and intentional breakage of the grid at times. I looked at text as compositional elements, and even spreads that are type dominated are manipulated and slightly skewed to emphasize the imperfect nature of D.I.Y.

WHAT I LEARNED: This project was an opportunity for me to dive into research into a more physical aspect by looking into archived skate and punk zines from the early 80s to truly understand their use of layout, typesetting, and image treatment.  I used this project as a real opportunity to showcase my ability to use my technical skills and combine them with my creative abilities, in other words learning the rules in order to break them.
WITH MORE TIME: I would love to continue this series, making more issues that follow othespecific topics surrounding my experience with skateboarding in Texas, and skate culture as a whole.
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